5.4 Data Distribution Capabilities
The Cospas-Sarsat data distribution system is implemented in the network of MCCs[1], which are operated by the Ground Segment Providers of the Cospas-Sarsat System, and which are illustrated in Figure 5‑5. These MCCs receive and distribute the incident alert data automatically, with no requirement for operator intervention in most normal operating conditions. Each MCC is a critical part of the Cospas-Sarsat System and is required to have qualified personnel on-site at all times. The basic operational objectives of every MCC are to receive alert data from its associated LUT(s) or from other MCCs and to distribute this information to the appropriate alert data recipients. Every MCC is also expected to have a suitable back-up plan in place, to ensure that the System can continue to operate even if an MCC fails in operation.

Figure 5‑5: The Cospas-Sarsat Data Distribution Network
The network of Cospas-Sarsat Mission Control Centres (MCCs) shown in this diagram comprises the Cospas-Sarsat data distribution system, which controls the distribution of incident alert messages from the Cospas-Sarsat System to Search and Rescue authorities all over the world. This diagram also shows the links from each nodal MCC to the national MCCs in its Data Distribution Region (in distinctive colours) and the links among some of the nodal MCCs (in white). (Note that, for clarity, not all of the inter-nodal MCC links are shown.)
A description of the Cospas-Sarsat data distribution system is contained in the document C/S G.010, “MCC Operator Handbook”, in a format that is designed for use in training MCC operators and other personnel. The data distribution system is organized into:
· MCC Service Areas[1], which define the geographic area that is served by each MCC of the Cospas-Sarsat Ground Segment, and
· Data Distribution Regions (DDRs)[2], which are comprised of the Service Areas of several MCCs, and within which one MCC, called the nodal MCC, coordinates the Cospas-Sarsat activities (especially the data distribution).
The MCC Operators Handbook includes more comprehensive explanations of these terms and of the organization of the data distribution network.
[1] The principles applicable to the definition of an MCC service area are provided in document C/S P.011, “Cospas-Sarsat Programme Management Policy”, and the procedures for distributing data to the MCCs and RCCs in each region are explained in the operational documents, the A-series of documents listed under <System Documents> <C/S A.000 Series - Operational> on the Cospas-Sarsat professionals website.
[2] A Data Distribution Region is the area for which the distribution of Cospas-Sarsat data is managed by a nodal MCC. Each DDR consists of the MCC Service Regions that are served by the MCCs within the DDR.
[1] The functions of an MCC are identified and described in detail in document C/S A.005, “Cospas-Sarsat Mission Control Centre Performance Specification and Design Guidelines”. The data distribution system that they implement is described in detail in document C/S A.001, “Cospas-Sarsat Data Distribution Plan”. The formats of the messages that are exchanged among MCCs, and some guidance for the use of the networks that are used for communications among the MCCs, are specified in document C/S A.002, “Cospas-Sarsat Standard Interface Description”.